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  • 谷歌日文输入法

    类型: 日文 谷歌日文输入法 输入法

    * Features - Rich and relevant vocabulary set. We have extracted all the right words from our desktop version to cover all the mobile use case: from writing an email to looking up a map and writing something on your favorite social network site and so on. -- Places: [東京都中央卸売市場] [秋葉原ラジオ会館] [立山黒部アルペンルート] -- Celebrity : [徳川光圀] [織田信秀] -- Foreign words : [Android(あんどろいど)] [Bistro(びすとろ)] [Trattoria(とらっとりあ)] - Neat features. Take advantage of unique handy features such as: -- 「きょう」to get today’s date or「いま」to get the current time. -- Just type「1203」and get suggestions like [12月3日(日付)] or [12:03(時刻)]


