
你的位置: 首页> 标签列表>短信
白蛇仙劫(寻宝无限真充) 白蛇仙劫(寻宝无限真充) 梦幻江湖(送GM特权) 梦幻江湖(送GM特权) 十虎(GM免费领) 十虎(GM免费领) 武动九天(GM特权) 武动九天(GM特权) 永恒之光(暂未上线) 永恒之光(暂未上线) 代号斩(送月卡送8000) 代号斩(送月卡送8000) 进击的赵云(送两万真充) 进击的赵云(送两万真充) 狩游世界(送满GM爆充) 狩游世界(送满GM爆充) 萌神战姬(买断版) 萌神战姬(买断版) 教主之家(GM特权) 教主之家(GM特权) 完美传奇(送两万充值) 完美传奇(送两万充值)
  • 龙福短信

    类型: 短信 龙福 龙福短信



  • 愚人短信

    类型: 愚人 愚人短信 短信

    如果有了这款《愚人整蛊短信集锦》,你还有什么好怕的?阅尽愚人短信,心中自然无惧! 当别人发给你愚人短信时,你可以潇洒地回一句“早看过了,真火星”,从此不再上当,拒绝忽悠! 当你想整蛊朋友时,数百条经典短信任你挑选,恶搞的,整蛊的,调侃的,搞笑的,随便发出一条,就可以让你的愚人节过的洋洋得意、非常Happy! 《愚人整蛊短信集锦》具有以下功能: 1、便捷的短信群发、邮件转发功能,把善意的欢笑即刻送达给多名亲友; 2、5大分类,方便您查找需要的短信类型; 3、若您阅读中喜欢某条短信,可使用“收藏”功能,将该条短信收藏到“我的收藏”中,方便您随时浏览。


  • 节日短信

    类型: 短信 节日 节日短信



  • 短信

    类型: 安卓短信 短信 通讯

    Free SMS Popup, Quick Reply, Or Delete your incoming text messages. Set notifications, custom ringtones, and lots of other great features! Faster and slimmer then handcent SMS, SMS pop-up or chompSMS. Similar to the apple iPhone sms and text message reply functionality. Consider your messages handsent


  • 全球短信群发

    类型: 全球短信群发 短信 群发

    全球免费无限发短信,集成 FaceBook、Twitter、Google Talk 等 可直接向美国、加拿大、墨西哥、中国等地手机免费收发短信


  • 短信备份

    类型: 备份 短信 短信备份

    应用介绍 一款短信备份还原软件。草稿无法进行备份和还原,其余均可以正常还原。备份好的内容都在内存卡下和软件同名的文件夹下。


  • 私密短信

    类型: 短信 私密 私密短信

    私密短信(GSS)是一款用于短信安全/短信管理/通话管理的软件。 应用特点 1.可以自行设置规则,符合规则的短信或通话记录将在GSS中进行管理,并可以为不同规则设置不同的通知方式,从多个方面保护联系人的通信安全。 2.可以设定登录密码。


  • 超能短信

    类型: 短信 超能 超能短信

    应用特点 1.仿iPhone气泡式界面。 2.可随意切换网络类型(移动运营商网络、超级短信网络服务)。 3.可自定义收到信息时的通知类型。 4.可个性化程序界面(字体大小、字体颜色、背景颜色等)。 5.支持安全图案锁。 6.支持黑名单过滤。 7.支持朗读信息内容(需要另外安装模块)。   The FASTEST messaging app on the Android Market. Give chompSMS a try. It\'s a souped-up replacement to the built-in Messaging application, just with a heap more features and customizations. * Customize Look: Create your own unique style! You can customize pretty much all aspects of the look, colors, fonts, wallpapers, etc then save your customizations to a theme that you can share with your friends! * Notification Customizations: Customize notifications how you want them! Icon color, ringtones, led color, vibration patterns etc, even on a per contact basis. * Contact Pics: Nice! Even in the conversation bubbles if you want, which is great for group messaging! * Signature: Set up a signature that automatically gets appended to every message. * Scheduled Messages: Schedule SMS messages to be sent at a later date, either as a one-off, or repeatedly, for example a birthday greeting or to remind you or a friend to do something. * Emoji / Smiley / Template / Contact Quick-Pick: Quickly add emojis, smileys, templates (text snippets you define) and contacts to a message. Easy! * Quick Reply: Imagine you\'re browsing the Internet and an message comes in. With Quick Reply there\'s no need to quit surfing, just reply straight away and keep browsing! * Quick Compose: Busy inside another app, and want to quickly send a message? Then simply long hold the Search hardware button to launch the Quick Compose window. * Blacklisting: Want to stop seeing messages from an annoying ex-friend, or marketing company? Just blacklist them! * Security: Passcode lock, plus a heap of privacy options. * Widget: Two great widgets that can be easily added to your Home screens to manage your messages. * Speak Text: For those who prefer to hear their text messages being spoken to them. * Email / File Transfer Conversations: Want to Email / File Transfer an entire conversation? Well you can with chompSMS! * Quick-Pick Contacts & Groups: Composing a new message and want to quickly choose multiple contacts or in fact an entire group? It\'s also SUPER FAST!!! It\'s completely free and all features are accessible for FREE! There are no other \'pro\' or \'full\' versions of chompSMS. It\'s nice and simple Lots more features coming soon, thanks for your ongoing support! NEW: If your mobile carrier charges a lot for text messages (internationally for example) you can also OPTIONALLY buy chompSMS credits to send much cheaper SMS messages.


  • 超搞笑短信

    类型: 短信 超搞笑



  • 酷信

    类型: 短信 酷信

    觉得文字短信太闷太没新意?酷信绝对满足你要求!你只需编写文字短信,酷信便会捕捉关键字,并利用实时彩信转化生成系统平台,将用户发送的普通短信转换成由炫酷动态图片组成的彩信,发送给您的朋友。客户端更有海量精彩酷信供您选择! 使用:广东移动用户安装并激活客户端后,每月可免费发送10条酷信,注册业务后更可无限量发送。


